Understanding Canada in details

Understanding Canada in details

To migrate to canada means that, you have to know their culture and traditions so that you can integrate well. You have to ensure that you learn as much as you can before moving to Canada to avoid culture shock.

They love maple syrup
Canadians love maple syrup. That sugary, sweet goo is found in nearly every kitchen in Canada. It seems that it is the stuff that they love so much. You will find maple trees everywhere in Canada, and they look lovely, in autumn, turning a bright red color.
A long time ago, the natives of Quebec showed the French immigrants on how to collect maple sap, and the French became creative with the syrup. It became a great collaboration that the Canadians became proud of.
When it is boiled, the sugar content is increased from 2% to 8% to a whopping 70%, which might not be suitable for the teeth. Over 71% of the world’s maple syrup is produced in Canada with the US being their largest exporter.
There was a flag design competition
To create a flag that the entire country is happy with, in 1965, there was a competition for designing it. By that year, they just realized that they don’t have a flag they could call official. Most other countries already had simple designs, and thus, the Canadians decided to become creative.
About 3541 flag designs were created and submitted by Canadian citizens from across the country. Most of the designs included either a beaver, a maple leaf, a union jack, a fleur-de-lys and with others having all the four. Colonel by the name George Stanley F.G.’s sample is the one which won. It had a simple white and red maple leaf design. And that is what is the current Canadian flag. It is one that all Canadian travelers believe that it should be on their traveling backpack.